sphero-, spher-, -sphere-
(Greek: ball, round, around; globe, global; body of globular form; by extension, circular zone, circular area)

The sphere or realm of consciousness.
pyrosphere, barysphere, magmosphere
The zone of a layer of the earth below the lithosphere, consisting partly of magma.
A reference to the layer of the earth below the lithosphere, consisting partly of magma.
A minute sphere composed of rhabdoliths or a spine or projecting formation that is found on cocoliths, the fossilized remains of golden-yellow algae.
1. The area of soil that immediately surrounds and is affected by a plant's roots.
2. The soil region subject to the influence of plant roots and their associated microorganisms.
2. The soil region subject to the influence of plant roots and their associated microorganisms.
A grouping of countries and regions that are currently inhabited with a majority of Chinese populations or were historically under heavy Chinese cultural influences.
Also known as East Asian Cultural Sphere, Confucian cultural sphere, Chinese world, Chinese cultural sphere, or Chinese-character cultural sphere.
In geology, The air occupying the pore or open spaces in soil: Soil atmosphere can be a gas located in the pores or cavities in the soil or, in other words, in the zone of aeration.
1. Pertaining to, referring to, or having the shape of a sphere, spherical.
2. Symmetrical.
2. Symmetrical.
1. One of the class of low-β, low-density, quasi-steady-state closed devices (like Tokamak) used in studying production of electric power by fusion.
A Tokamak is an experimental doughnut-shaped nuclear reactor for producing fusion using an electric current and a magnetic field to heat and to contain a gaseous plasma.
2. Etymology of Tokamak is from the mid-20th century from the Russian, contraction of toroidal'naya kamera s aksial'nym magnitnym polem, "toroidal chamber with axial magnetic field".
1. An object similar in shape to a ball.
2. In mathematics, a three-dimensional closed surface consisting of all points that are at a given distance from a center.
3. A solid figure bounded by a sphere, or the volume it encloses.
4. A field of knowledge, interest, or activity.
5. An area of control or influence: "The student took no interest in matters beyond her sphere of knowledge."
6. A level or group within a society or a particular social world, stratum of society, or walk of life: "His social sphere was very limited."
7. An astronomical object; such as, a planet, moon, or star.
8. In early astronomical theory, a revolving concentric transparent shell on which the sun, moon, planets, and stars were thought to be fixed as they moved around the earth.
9. The sky, appearing as a hemisphere to an observer; for example, the sphere of the heavens.
10. Etymology: from Greek σφαῖρα, sphaira, "globe, ball" or a perfectly round geometrical object in three-dimensional space; such as, the shape of a round ball.
2. In mathematics, a three-dimensional closed surface consisting of all points that are at a given distance from a center.
3. A solid figure bounded by a sphere, or the volume it encloses.
4. A field of knowledge, interest, or activity.
5. An area of control or influence: "The student took no interest in matters beyond her sphere of knowledge."
6. A level or group within a society or a particular social world, stratum of society, or walk of life: "His social sphere was very limited."
7. An astronomical object; such as, a planet, moon, or star.
8. In early astronomical theory, a revolving concentric transparent shell on which the sun, moon, planets, and stars were thought to be fixed as they moved around the earth.
9. The sky, appearing as a hemisphere to an observer; for example, the sphere of the heavens.
10. Etymology: from Greek σφαῖρα, sphaira, "globe, ball" or a perfectly round geometrical object in three-dimensional space; such as, the shape of a round ball.
sphere (verb), spheres; sphered; sphering
1. To form into a round shape.
2. To put in or as if in a global zone.
3. To surround or to encompass.
2. To put in or as if in a global zone.
3. To surround or to encompass.
sphere gap
1. A spark gap between two equal-diameter spherical electrodes.
2. A spark gap in which the spark passes between two polished metal bails.
2. A spark gap in which the spark passes between two polished metal bails.
sphere gap voltmeter
An instrument designed to measure high voltages by determining the distance between two metal spheres at which a spark will jump.
sphere of attraction
1. The distance within which the potential energy arising from mutual attraction of two molecules is not negligible with respect to the molecules' average thermal energy at room temperature.
2. In physical chemistry, the area between two molecules within which the energy generated by their mutual attraction is significant enough to be distinguished from the average energy of other molecules in the system.
2. In physical chemistry, the area between two molecules within which the energy generated by their mutual attraction is significant enough to be distinguished from the average energy of other molecules in the system.
sphere of influence
An area of the world dominated politically or economically by a country, or certain countries.
Related ball, sphere-word units: glob-, glom-; hemoglobin-.